Archive: ‘product photos’

fresh knits from natural star… 27 feb ’15

Friday, February 27th, 2015

one of my favourite product shoots is styling new knitwear samples for the designer. the pictures are typically used to promote the sale of the pattern and showcase the designers’ work.

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

auckland lifestyle portrait photography

hand-dyed luxury… 23 jul ’14

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014

so… some of you will already know this: my other time-vampire (aside from my family) is knitting and crochet. i learned many years ago, thanks to my nanna and my mum, who each taught me one craft. it’s wonderfully relaxing and theraputic – and it’s another opportunity to be creative which is my favourite thing to do!

anyhow – my knitting social circle puts me in contact with a lot of independent yarn dyers (and pattern designers) – and one of the best is Helene from Happy-Go-Knitty here in Devonport. she needed new product shots for her Etsy store. colour accuracy is SUPER important for this type of work because (knitters are a bit crazy hehe) if a purchased yarn arrives and doesn’t look exactly like the picture – well, you can imagine!

here’s some of my favourite colours from the shoot 🙂

auckland yarn and fibre crafts photography

auckland yarn and fibre crafts photography

auckland yarn and fibre crafts photography

chocolate surprises… 13 jul ’13

Saturday, July 13th, 2013

and here’s a corporate shot for Edible Blooms, who create the most gorgeous bouquets that you can also eat…

auckland portrait photographer

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